
According to Wikipedia, tartan is a pattern consisting of crisscrossed horizontal and vertical bands in multiple colors. Tartans are particularly associated with Scotland since Scottish kilts almost always use them as patterns.

Both of us, PeHaa and Joe Vains, work a lot with patterns in the context of graphic and web design. The idea of creating Tartanify.com was born during our summer holidays in Scotland. We were impressed by the number and the variety of tartans. They are counted in thousands! And each one seems more beautiful than the other.

Technical details

Tartanify.com is a static site, built with gatsby.js. It uses a CSV file for the content. The CSV file contains the name of each pattern, its color palette, its "threadcount" and the link to its page in the official register. This data comes from the Scottish Register of Tartans.

About Us

PeHaa and Joe Vains are a Polish/French couple living in Paris. They share a passion for web design and love working together on side projects.

Joe Vains

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Web designer

Joe Vains, aka Sylvain Guizard, was the designer and the originator of the tartanify project.


Follow PeHaa on Twitter - opens in a new windowFollow PeHaa on Codepen - opens in a new window

Front-end Developer

PeHaa, aka Paulina Hetman, is a front-end developer, web designer, and trainer. You can learn more about her work on pehaa.com.

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